Thursday, April 27, 2017

The journey, before the result.

Dunia dan benda benda kerisauan,

There are lots lots lotsssa things you gotta worry about. Nak fikir pasal dunia ni sampai bila tak habis. Same goes to me, I sometimes forgot to enjoy the journey, I think about everything very critically, Mula buat benda tu terus fikir nak dapat the best out of it, and automatically we'll be worried. Macammana kalau kita  tak dapat macam apa yang kita harapkan? Macammana masa depan kita. At the end of the day, all you can do is do your best, doa tawakkal and yakin nanti Allah bagi yang terbaik kat kita. Either it is what we were hopin for or vice versa.

Usaha je. Ni tengah tulis apa ni next week dah final haha okbye. 

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